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VT52 new Project
As it is with tubes, you never rest and always the fever is heating and thinking how to improve and improve. I have my amps and after some time i think over it what to improve. Always i was thinking of using WE328A, looking for how to use as a driver and so i found a schematic which was useful. I changed the rectifier to EZ81 and changed the power supply, using Tesla 6µ 400V load and JJ 100µ 500V for the filter.


I turned the choke 90 degree and got place inside for better and clearer positioning of the used parts. I changed also the wireing and was full in the phantasy of making the amp a bit better, also i changed the Outputtransformers,

Here you see my beloved Sylavania VT52. I got them from a friend in Germany as a present. I had built for him  AD1 Monoblock Amps and as he was very satisfied, he said please do something with them. Unkuckily he died and so even more they are a treasure for me


Western Electric 328A Vacuum Pentode with
Vf 7.5 Volts / If 0.425 Ampere was always a opinion to use for me, as I have quite a few of them. All aroung 1960 built and here they are very special as driving the VT52 to highend sphares. They are DC heated

a look inside shows you how i work, i am a DIY er and i try and learn and as the power supply is more on top inside is more space and i am happy of getting useful upgrades to my wireing. the heater is simply a meanwell dc swith mode powersupply


I use Tesla Philips and Panasonic Capacitors. For the coupling i use a russian Teflon Capacitor  with 0,22µF and heating the EZ81 i use a small Trafo extra. The amp works very silent and is IMHO very much like he should. Music like you sit in front of the musicians. 

I know the top plate, which is made of grey Pertinax could be made nicer, but you see, it is a project and until i am at the point where i am satisfied, i will make it looking really cool. Maybe copper or even an black iron topplate will come if sparetime is coming.


The Trafo and the choke are coming from Italy from Attilio Giaccomo from Tektron, the Outputtransformer has 3K and is handwired from an Austrian worker of ORF Television in Vienna. He fits nice in this company. The Ampere meter is China made.

So i hope something interesting is here for you. Keep on welding and take care of high power electricity. Stay tuned


Here is my old Project VT52 with CF7 driver and RGN1064 rectifier

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VT52 besser bekannt als 45 spezial, hab ich mal als Paar geschenkt bekommen. Da musste mein 45er umgebaut werden, Heizung anders, hier zum Umschalten zwischen 45 und VT52, sehr detailreich und feinzeichnend, doch auch mit etwas Leistung, mehr als 45 auf alle Fälle, Ausgangsrafos aus China, Trafo und Drossel aus Italien, CF7 Treiber und RGN1064 Gleichrichter

Sylvania VT52-Röhrenverstärker-bauen-Selbstbau-Schaltplan  beste-HiFi-DIY-tube-amp-schematic-amplifier  RE604-RV239-300B-AD1  Best tube amplifier DIY
Trafos und Drossel von Tektron-Röhrenverstärker-bauen-Selbstbau-Schaltplan  beste-HiFi-DIY-tube-amp-schematic-amplifier  RE604-RV239-300B-AD1  Best tube amplifier DIY

Sylvania VT52

RGN1064 Mesh

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Treiber CF7-Röhrenverstärker-bauen-Selbstbau-Schaltplan  beste-HiFi-DIY-tube-amp-schematic-amplifier  RE604-RV239-300B-AD1  Best tube amplifier DIY

Heizung umschaltbar von 2,5V AC für die 45 auf 7V DC für die VT52

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